Thursday, November 9, 2017

Take the Gratitude Challenge

Take the Gratitude Challenge !
When we practice gratitude, sometimes it tends to be a quick, shallow gratitude. We say a quick thank you, or list what we’re grateful for, but it is momentary.  As soon as we’ve finished saying the words, we often move on to thinking about something else.   Real gratitude should be deeper and more meaningful than that.  It should affect both the giver and the receiver for more than just a moment.  So here is the challenge.
Each day this week, think of one person you are grateful for and a specific time (or times) they did or said something that blessed you.
Think of a specific situation and reason you are grateful for that person.  Really think about it. Let it sink in.  It doesn’t have to be for something monumental.  It can be as simple as being thankful for the bus driver that picks up your kids and gets them to school safely every morning, or the bagger at the grocery store that packs up your groceries for you.  It can highlight generational appreciation, like being thankful for your grandmother who taught you how to make her amazing apple pie.  It can be expressing thanks to your kids for always wanting a goodnight kiss from you before bed. If you really stop to think about it, there are probably a whole lot of people to be grateful for.
Take the time to thank that person intentionally, specifically, and meaningfully.
Tell that person specifically why you are thankful for them or for what they have done.  Thank them face-to-face; write them a letter; call them on the phone; send them a text.  It doesn’t really matter what medium is used.  What matters is that you communicate your gratitude in an intentional and specific manner.  “Thank you so much for saving me a seat at lunch today. That was really considerate.” means a lot more than just a quick “thanks”.
Expressing gratitude can truly be restorative to your demeanor, your health, and your relationships.  It is also a kindness than really blesses others and is so needed in the world we live in today.
Try it out!  See what the gratitude challenge can do for you and the people around you!

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